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Gyokuro (Japanese Premium Green Tea)

What is Gyokuro?
Gyokuro is the highest grade green tea in Japan. Tea leaves produced carefully create sweetness and umami taste. It is a rare tea and the highest quality tea used at official Japanese tea ceremony. You can enjoy the traditional Japanese culture grown through a long history. Gyokuro contains teanin, which can have a good effect on relaxation, skin beauty and immunity. Please taste the best luxury!

Highest quality of tea
Gyokuro is not just premium but also very rare as only 0.3% out of whole green tea production in Japan is Gyokuro.
Our Gyokuro tea is also scientifically proven for its excellence, as shown in the chart below.

Gyokuro componential analysis
There are 3 tea grades available. The units below are represented in percentage (%).

Tea master Skilled worker Delicious taste
Moisture 3.9 3.6 3.9
Total nitrogen 7.2 6.8 6.4
Free amino acid 5.9 5.2 4.5
Theanine 3.4 3 2.5
Fiber 16.6 17.2 17.9
Tannin 5.3 7.2 8.9
Caffeine 3.3 3.2 3
Vitamin 0.03 0.09 0.19
AF score 122 95 73

AF score・・Overall score of tea quality.
The score of good tea is 20~40 points.
The highest class Japanese tea is from 70~80 points.

Even Delicious taste grade marked 73 which is categorized as the highest quality of Japanese tea.
As you can see from the chart above, Tea master grade and skilled worker grade far exceed the quality of the highest Japanese tea.


Country of originShizuoka, Japan
We can introduce you various types of gyokuro such as normal gyokuro tea, gyokuro tea shake, tea cups. Please contact us for more information.


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